Monday, February 14, 2011

on Valentines Day

So many people think that Valentines Day is a money making scheme.... well it is right?  The question I pose is that if it's a money making scheme of showing your love to your partner WHAT IS WRONG WITH THAT!! 

I'm a Valentines tragic and have always celebrated it with my boyfriend.  If they dont like it, well they need to learn to like it because it is one of my non negotiables :) hehe.  I've been really lucky though, especially with Paul.  He is so sweet and always spoils me on Valentines Day. 

Some of the things I used to do when I was single was send a Valentines card as a secret admirer or look in the newspaper to see if there was a message in there for me.  I'm such a hopeless romantic!!


Puzzle Card from Paully :)

Roses from Paully :)

Present from Paully :)

Love stamps from Paully :)

Lunch at T Gallant Winery

Beautiful day for beautiful views :)

Thanks Paully for making the day so special :)  I love you XXX

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Myer buys Sass and Bide WTF!!

I have only just found out that my favourite label Sass and Bide is now owned by Myer.  Myer bought it for 42.5m and now own 65% of it.  I guess my concern is that will this change the brand?  Will the Sass and Bide label be as exclusive as it's always been or will it become mass market?  It's reported that the design team are staying on, but you wonder how long will they stay for....

I really hope that the Sass and Bide label continues to produce beautiful and unaffordable clothing because it wouldn't have the impact if they changed it. 

I saw a tee today that I wanted to buy for $150 in David Jones, but I guess I might hold off for the moment cause DJ's would be absolutely spewing on this and will probably want to quit the stock quick.  And you guessed it I'll be there to snap up the bargains :)

Here's the top I want:

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Celebrating 1 Month

Happy 1 month to my Blog.  :)

It's like a relationshop where you celebrate your 1st month with your partner.  I'm surprised I have kept it going for a month because usually I can tire of things pretty quick.  I have however slowed the production of blogs a little.  When I started I was doing 1 blog at day, well I'm just not that interesting to do that LOL.

I really enjoy reading everyones comments, so please keep the coming.  I also love when I'm out and about and people are talking about reading my blog and to keep them coming because they are enjoying it.  The most talked about blog is definately "Project Lemon Tree".  I must say, that is my favourite too.  I also love the blog on "Linda the Maxi Dress Queen" and "The Dukan Diet".  If you haven't checked them out yet go to these links:


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Oh to have that
20yr old BODY back

I've now been out of work for 2 weeks.  However I'm not just sitting around, i have been very active in finding a new job.  Currently waiting to hear the result of my 3rd interview with a company that I'm very interested in working for.  Anyways, I'm getting off track.  The reason for this blog is when you have more time on your hands you tend to dig up some old things - like photos. 

When I was in my teens and my early to mid 20's I was pretty skinny.  I never realised how lucky I was - I could eat what ever I wanted and not put on weight.  I'm not saying that I'm hugely obese now but I'm definately not the skinny bitch I was... hehe.  Anyways, I was digging out some old photos and thought I'd post them for a bit of a laugh.... ENJOY :) 

BTW I thought looked good at the time........  LOL

Poser and didn't like to wear much haha (AGE 21)
Modelling - White belts were all the range! LOL (AGE 22)
I thought todays teens weren't wearing enough clothes- it seems I can't talk!!  LOL (AGE 18)