Saturday, January 22, 2011

My Celebrity Encounters

Hi to all my readers,

3 blogs in 3 days.... looks like Bloggerlicious Bianca is back on the daily bloggeroonie bandwagon :)

I thought it was time to do a blog on my Celebrity Encounters.  I absolutely love keeping up with celeb goss and looking at their pics in magazines.  However I definately dont desire to be famous and have everyone looking at me and poking into my personal stuff.  Actually let me re phrase that, I wouldn't hate it but I would want it on my terms, for example - only be photographed on when I'm ready (always getting my good side) and not have my personal life splashed all through the tabloids. 

Here are some of my encounters....

You can see the excitement on my face when I
ran into Matt Damon on a movie set while in NYC.
He was very nice, even when everyone on set
was asking me to leave he said "No, I am having
a photo taken".  So the director took the shot.

Alicia Keys filming the New York film clip in the
middle of Times Square.  It wasn't planned to see her
 they just started building a stage about 1am and she
 turned up at 3am, so lucky we decided to wait around
because it was awesome!

Again in NYC.  We were walking down Broadway
and there was this big crowd of people getting
photos and autographs off this lady in the photo with us. 
We had no idea who she was, but knew we would
find out some day haha.  That day has come,
it's Laura Linney who currently stars in a show
called The Big C, plus she's been in the movies -
The Truman Show, Primal Fear any many more.


Sonia Kruger at Derby Day 2007
Livinia Nixon at Derby Day 2007

One of the nicest stars - Monique Wright



  1. Monique interviewed me a couple of years ago at Oaks Day, and I was on the tele !!

  2. awesome post bushy! youve met so many famous people!
