Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Blogging At Work = Naughty ;)

Well I'm bored so that's why I thought I'd get on the Bloggaroonie  :)

There is a good reason why I have no work to do... yep I'm leaving my job and finish this Friday.  I have been at my job just under 8 years so a little freaked out by a major change in my life.  So here I am at my desk and you can even see I'm on Facebook  LOL.

Its such a odd feeling working for a company once you resign.  I'm still passionate about everything my company does and still want them to keep beating our competitors but I really cant be bothered with it all now hehe.  Which is very strange for me as I'm a very passionate person and throw everything into what I do.

Anyways enough about work.

Some exciting news (well I'm excited) is that I finally figured out how to wear my Cue leggings.  Actually the truth is I couldn't figure it out and had to go into a store to find out  LOL.  They are on SALE in stores now for about $20 down from $50.  Check em out, pretty cool hey....



  1. hahaha, too funny, thats so me at work too!

    I'm going to do a post about my fav blogs and sites in the next day or two and hopefully we can get some peeps over here to follow you!

    keep up the good work my little blogging bushy!

  2. Thanks busho... that would be awesome! My poor blog needs some love hehe

  3. Hey B!
    I've officially joined your blog! Never been a blogger but am enjoying reading about your health kick so thought I'd join!
    Keep up the good work chick  and best wishes for your new job!
    Luv Cozza xx
