Thursday, January 6, 2011

Why am I doing a Blog?

Because I think I am very interesting and everyone would like to read all about me :)  Um.... yes that was a joke hehe.

No really I'm creating this blog to track how I go on my 1st ever health kick.  I have always been quite skinny but as I get older I'm noticing that I tend to put on weight a lot quicker then I used to.  I'm hoping that keeping a diary on my efforts will help me to continue with it.

MY GOAL -  Look good and feel comfortable in ....

THE CHALLENGE  -  I am 5kgs heavier then I have ever been.  So firstly I want to shift those KGs.


Dont MIX Meat and Carbs.  So from now on I dont have potato with my tea.  This began last night when I cooked up a yummy Salmon fillet with veggies....

<------- check out the yumminess 

 Exercise 30mins eveyday.  I have created a starter circuit while I build my fitness, which might I add is verrrryyyy LOW! :(
  • 2min walk on incline of 7
  • 2min jog on incline of 7 (kille r- so unfit) LOL
  • 80 different arm weights 
  • 10 lunges
  • 10 squats
  • 50 skips on skipping rope
  • REPEAT ALL ONCE (for now)

Ok signing off for now because I have to cook tonights dinner - Chicken tenders ans salad :)  XXX
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  1. Okay love good work build up slowly and dont put pressure on yourself to lose weight quickly.
    Stick to my 80/20 rule 80% being diet if your diet is spot on 80% of the time then the exercise will follow.You can do all the exercise in the world but it wont make a difference if you dont have a good diet.So 80 diet and 20% exercise. Kendall

  2. I like those shorts you need to do a heap of squats and lunches for a sexy tight ass and legs. Leg extension is the best for toned quads and leg press for bum. Kendall

  3. Thanks for the tips love :)

    I was doing lunges & squats but had to stop as I strained a muscle in the top of my left leg. I'm just back doing squats as part of my cicuit today and hopefully I can add the lunges back in tomorrow. xx
