Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Oh to have that
20yr old BODY back

I've now been out of work for 2 weeks.  However I'm not just sitting around, i have been very active in finding a new job.  Currently waiting to hear the result of my 3rd interview with a company that I'm very interested in working for.  Anyways, I'm getting off track.  The reason for this blog is when you have more time on your hands you tend to dig up some old things - like photos. 

When I was in my teens and my early to mid 20's I was pretty skinny.  I never realised how lucky I was - I could eat what ever I wanted and not put on weight.  I'm not saying that I'm hugely obese now but I'm definately not the skinny bitch I was... hehe.  Anyways, I was digging out some old photos and thought I'd post them for a bit of a laugh.... ENJOY :) 

BTW I thought looked good at the time........  LOL

Poser and didn't like to wear much haha (AGE 21)
Modelling - White belts were all the range! LOL (AGE 22)
I thought todays teens weren't wearing enough clothes- it seems I can't talk!!  LOL (AGE 18)



  1. bushy, the only difference then and now is that now youve got the beautiful personality to much your looks! (not that you were a bitch, but you were a bit of a brat, am i right?!!) xx

  2. Yeh you're right, I was a little bit into myself hahaha. But I guess that's what your late teens and early 20's are all about :)

  3. looking hot !!just wait until you get baby belly :(
